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Married woman, mom with five children, I,m a tailor, baking cake, biscuit, like to explore website, making friends, making bussines, I like shopping, holiday

Thursday, May 21, 2009




5 biji bawang putih }
5 biji bawang merah } semua bahan
1 in kunyit } ini dikisar dgn
1/2 in halia } blender kering/
1/4 in lengkuas } ditumbuk
5 batang serai } halus
3 sudu besar jintan kasar }
1 sudu besar jintan halus }
3 sudu besar renpah kari daging adabi }
1 sudu teh garam
4 senduk gula
1kg daging {dipotong nipis 1 in}
(satu cucuk 4 ketul daging)

Gaulkan semua bahan yang dikisar tadi bersama
Daging , garam dan gula.
Rasa nya secukup rasa. Kalau kurang gula, tambah
Gula, kalau kurang garam tambah garam.
Gula itu berfungsi sebagai bahan yang melembutkan
daging . lagi banyak gula lagi lembut daging.
Perapkan selama sehari untuk mendapatkan rasa
Yang lebih sedap.



The ingredients:-

1kg red fresh fish ( cut into 4 or five pcs)
2 cups of dried chilli's
2 of red onions
3 of garlics
2 tea spoon of black pepper
½” of ginger
½” turmeric
3 table spoon of curry powder
3 table spoon of tamarind paste
4 cups of water
1 cups of water
1 cups of oil

The direction:-

1. Blend all ingredients from chilli's to turmeric until smooth.
2. heat of oil into pan, when oil hot is just right, add all the
Mixed ingredients in the pan, stir it until got a nice
Smell and the sauce is nice.
3. add a curry powder into it.

4. add a 3 tea spoon of salt and a little bit sesame, then put
All the fish cut and leave it for 15 Min's.
5. Then add a tamarind paste , stir it and leave it for 5
Min's more.

You can eat it with rice and put another side dish like
salads, ulams, or fruits.

Ulams –traditional Malay side dish. Just like salad.


1 pack 0f 30s mini instant rice cube
(boil it until t cook, let it for a few hour, & cut into
a small cube about 1” x 1”)

for the ingredients:-

1 cup of dried chilli's
3 of red onions
3 of garlics
150g of dried shrimp
200g of beansprouts
200g of fat choy leaves

1. Mix all the chilli's, onions , garlics and dried shrimp
and blend until all going smooth. Don’t put a water
in your blender .
2. Heat a little oil into your pan, then put all the mixed
Ingredients into a pan, wait’s until it going smooth
and had a nice smell. stir it and add a little salt,
sugar and a little bit of sesame.

3. Then put all the rice cube in sauce and pour it until
all are mix well. Then put a fat choy leaves and the
beansprouts together and then stir it in 5 Min's.

4 And now you can eat it. Eat while it still hot.